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love-deprived ♥
Wednesday, December 8, 2010

yay back from MOE TAP selection interview with zandra :)
well i think the atmosphere is kind of relaxed, haha cos it's a group interview.
8 ppl, 1 interviewer, at one round table
i tried my best in answering those qns asked alr :)
and during the interview, i can see many passionate ppl, all very enthu abt teaching
haha u can tell from the way they answer those qns.
so well, *cross finger and pray hard*
Sunday, December 5, 2010

LOL i've been neglecting this site cos i really don't know what to update =X
but anyway on a happier note, we're free from Alevels!
so now it's really our HOLIDAY!!!
can slack all day long without having to feel guilty for not completing homework etc. :D
time to chiong my drama^^

oh and i've just completed my 4 day temp job this week :)
at suntec convention centre, OSEA 2010 !
so basically, it's just a trade exhibition for businessmen
it's my first time working and generally, i had fun
and guess what, i'm shocked when i reported for work on the first day
because...... i'm the ONLY girl (and the youngest) doing event usher.
LOL! imagine 9 guys and 1 lonely girl.. >.<
haha but things got better after a while.
as in after the so-called ice-breaking period :)
but come to think about it, standing on heels for 8 hours for 4 days straight is tiring.
haha !
and on our 2nd day of work, emily and i joined the rest of the class for BBQ
too bad we have to miss the class chalet =X
but at least, i turned up ok! LOL it's kind of rare that i turn up for class outings =X

and now that the trade exhibition has ended , i kind of miss working there
haha pray hard that i wont screw up my MOE TAP interview this coming wed!
if not i have to go on job-hunting again. haha!

Monday, August 9, 2010

*photo credits to angela (i kop frm facebook de. haha) *

i believe all of us had an enjoyable time in school on friday !
the releasing of balloons as a school is really nice !!!
imagine all the 1000+ balloons flying in the air ! :D
but it doesnt look like the flag in the air, the balloons are just flying all over the sky!
haha but still, it's nice... really!
the mass singing in the hall is crazy and high. LOL.
it's funny how we can all sing the national anthem so loudly in the hall on friday, but not on normal schooldays. haha!
then after the celebration, S10 and S26 had a mini farewell with ms wong !
she's leaving for sweden soon ! :(
then we cam-whore for a while
omg and i was very tired when i reached home that afternoon ...
after all the jumping and zi-high moments in the hall. LOL >.<

lol and back to reality check : 92 days to Alevel ... OMG !!!!!!!!!! :(
Friday, June 18, 2010

i went safra's kbox on tues with REGINA and YUNFANG ^^
to have a mini birthday celebration for dear fangfang
haha. regina and i tried to decorate our own cake at the icing's room
and i'm proud of our end product ^^
although most of the decorations were done by me ! LOL :D

and REGINA i noe u're reading this
just want to tell u...
Monday, May 31, 2010

there's so many things to revise for mye
until i dun even noe where / how to start... >.<
and my brain memory is not sufficient enough to store everything lah!!!

i got a bad feeling that history will repeat itself again...
and i will flunk my mye >.<
oh no, cant let this happen again.
Alevel is nearing..
omg i shall add more oil and pull up all my grades.
Saturday, May 29, 2010


let's shop, people!
shopping makes me happy...
studies makes me depressed ...

just now after our tuition, we (mandy, emily, regina and me) spent nearly 1 hr in Cotton On.
haha. window shopping is fun, sometimes.
esp when u need a break from all the studies shit. >.<

how i wish our lecture notes + tutorials + assignments etc... can turn into stacks of $$
then we can shop till we die..
without looking at price tags.
Thursday, May 27, 2010

like.... FINALLY!
i've been waiting for this day since long long time ago...
seriously, going to sch is a chore now...
i've kind of lost all my motivations and confidence
after failing so many tests consistently, i guess i've alr lost that confidence of doing well
it's demoralising and painful , as always
like falling right to the bottom from the sky

i need to regain the confidence again
so that i can find back my motivation to study and ace Alevel...
i used to be very determined
but i guess my hopes were completely dashed when i heard ppl getting 4As and yet, cant get into NTU business...
and i seriously think i've made a wrong decision
i should have chosen arts stream instead of science stream!
like, if u look at my results since sec sch, it's kind of obvious that i'm more inclined towards the arts subjects and i suck at math and science
but in the end i ended up struggling in science stream...
i have super extreme percentiles...
" GREAT! " >.<

5 more months....
i shall endure and finish the last lap
as long as i've worked hard enough, i will have no regrets in the future :)

let's just admit it
we have to get into the university
we have to get a degree
because... this is WHAT the SOCIETY wants..
not what we want....